Hurricane & Storm Updates

Storm updates, watches & warnings for West Palm Beach or Orlando, FL.

Tropical Storm Helene

Update 6

September 27, 2024 – 1:15 p.m.

Normal Operations Resume at Orlando Campus

Dear PBA Community,

  • Orlando is no longer under any watches or warnings. 
  • 奥兰多校区将于9月30日星期一恢复正常作息.  
  • 学生上课要报到,员工上班要报到. 


As a reminder, 应急管理小组监测所有可能影响PBA校园的天气系统,并就任何不利天气状况进行沟通.

Our prayers are with those affected by Hurricane Helene.


Update 5

September 26, 2024, 5:15 p.m.

9月11日星期五,西拼搏体育校区恢复正常运营. 27 Orlando Remains Closed. 

Dear PBA Community,

  • 西拼搏体育校区将于明天恢复正常的时间表和业务运营, Friday, September 27.
  • 学生应亲自上课报到,员工应上班报到.

拼搏体育县处于高浪警报和龙卷风警报之下,这两个警报都将在晚上8点到期.m. this evening. 热带风暴警告预计将于今晚晚些时候结束. The Flood Watch remains in effect until 8 a.m. Friday. 请注意,天气预报员称飓风海伦为一场大范围风暴, 今晚可能还会有降雨, tomorrow, and through the weekend.

奥兰多校区将于9月27日星期五关闭. 所有进一步的奥兰多通讯将只发送给奥兰多的教职员工和学生.


As a reminder, 应急管理小组监测所有可能影响PBA校园的天气系统,并就任何不利天气状况进行沟通.



Update 4

September 25, 2024, 5:10 p.m.

Dear PBA Community,

西拼搏体育仍在飓风“海伦”预计路径之外. However, 拼搏体育县仍处于热带风暴警报状态,因为强风可能会到达风暴中心以外. We are also under a Flood Watch. 作为预防措施,PBA对西拼搏体育校区做出以下决定:

Wednesday, September 25

  • 包括夜校在内的课堂将继续进行.

Thursday, September 26

  • All in-person classes scheduled are canceled. 关于在线课程和/或补习作业,学生应该遵循教授的指导.
  • Online classes will continue as scheduled.
  • The Warren Library will operate normally from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.
  • All essential operations on the campus will continue.


Residence halls remain open during this time. 住宿学生将从住宿部收到关于程序和膳食的单独电子邮件. 专业的住宿生活工作人员在场,为学生提供照顾和支持. 


之前奥兰多校区的日程调整为今天, Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, remain in place.


虽然我们预计周五将恢复面对面课程和正常运营, 紧急管理小组将在晚上8点前评估并发送校园运行的最新情况.m. on Thursday, September 26. Communications will be sent via email and the storm updates page.


Update 3

September 25, 2024, 12 p.m.

Dear PBA Community,
截至今天中午,我们继续积极监测现在的飓风海伦. PBA西拼搏体育校区的运营照常进行.

A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for South Florida, including Palm Beach County, 由于风的影响可以延伸到远离风暴中心的地方. 由于潜在的强降雨,拼搏体育县也处于洪水监视之下. Coastal Palm Beach County is under a High Surf Advisory. 西拼搏体育校区仍然在风暴的直接路径之外. 
之前奥兰多校区的日程调整为今天, Wednesday, September 25 and Thursday, September 26, remain in place.
Communications will be sent via email and the storm updates page. 我们的首要任务是确保学生、教职员工的安全. The next EMT update will be provided by 6 p.m. this evening.


Update 2

September 25 2024 • 7:35 a.m.

Dear PBA Community,
应急管理小组继续积极监测热带风暴海伦, 在接下来的几个小时里,当它靠近尤卡坦半岛东北海岸时,预报它的强度接近飓风.  西拼搏体育校区仍然在海伦的直接路径之外. 
热带风暴警报现在对南佛罗里达州生效, including Palm Beach County, 由于风的影响可以延伸到远离风暴中心的地方.
目前,PBA西拼搏体育校区的运营一切正常. An EMT update will be provided by noon today.
Wednesday, September 25, 2024:
  • Classes will be held in person until 2 p.m., 之后,他们将在晚上剩下的时间里转向在线教学.
  • Employees will work on campus until 6 p.m., when the Orlando campus will officially close.
Thursday, September 26, 2024:
  • The Orlando campus will be closed. 课程将继续在网上进行,员工将远程工作.
  • An announcement will be made by 4 p.m. regarding employee expectations for Friday, September 27, 2024.
与往常一样,我们的应急管理团队密切关注影响PBA校园的天气系统. 通信将通过电子邮件发送,并根据需要在风暴更新页面. 我们的首要任务是确保学生、教职员工的安全. 请通过我们的沟通渠道了解最新信息.

Update 1

September 24, 2024 • 1 p.m.

Dear PBA Community,

PBA的应急管理小组一直在监测热带风暴海伦的进展, 预计周四将变成三级飓风, 可能会在佛罗里达州坦帕和彭萨科拉之间的墨西哥湾沿岸登陆.

但预计对西拼搏体育校区没有直接影响, we anticipate possible wind, rain, and high surf due to the size of the storm. 奥兰多校区目前处于热带风暴警戒状态. Based on this, PBA has decided on the following:

West Palm Beach Campus:

All operations continue as normal.

Orlando Campus:

Wednesday, September 25, 2024:

  • Classes will be held in person until 2 p.m., after which they will shift to online instruction for the remainder of the evening.
  • Employees will work on campus until 6 p.m. when the Orlando campus will officially close.

Thursday, September 26, 2024:

  • The Orlando campus will be closed. Classes will continue online. Employees will work remotely.
  • An announcement will be made by 4 p.m. regarding employee expectations for Friday, September 27, 2024.

As a reminder, 应急管理小组监测所有可能影响PBA校园的天气系统,并通过电子邮件和网络进行沟通 storm updates page when necessary. 我们的首要任务仍然是学生、教职员工的安全. 请继续关注我们的沟通渠道,以获取最新信息.

这条信息是由公共安全部和 Emergency Management Team.

Hurricane Preparedness